Below are listed the 4 appeals decided in the Wolverhampton City Council area in the past 30 days.
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Alleged in the notice is: Without planning permission, the carrying out of operational development consisting of unauthorised excavation and grading of the land on the frontage to create a vehicular hardstanding, and construction of retaining walls with piers.
Decision Date: 6th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Asfand HussainSite Address: 485 Cannock Road, Wolverhampton, WV10 0RE, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Enforcement NoticeOutcome: Notice Upheld
Alleged in the notice is: Without planning permission, the material change of use of the property from a residential flat to short stay visitor accommodation.
Decision Date: 6th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Ravinder Singh CheemaSite Address: Flat 2, Richmere Court, Mount Road, Tettenhall Wood, WOLVERHAMPTON, WV6 8UQ, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Enforcement NoticeOutcome: Notice Upheld
Alleged in the notice is: Without planning permission in the last four years, the erection of (in the approximate location of the yellow line on the attached location plan) post and fencing over 1m high adjacent to the highway.
Decision Date: 5th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mrs Manjit JohalSite Address: 1 Timmis Close, BILSTON, WV14 9XT, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Enforcement NoticeOutcome: Quashed on legal grounds
The installation of a 20m telecommunications pole and associated cabinets and equipment.
Decision Date: 27th January 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Circet (UK)Site Address: The pavement adjacent to Bilston Bus Station, Bingham Bypass, Wolverhampton West, WV14 0BQ, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed