Below are listed the 19 appeals decided in the Maidstone Borough Council area in the past 30 days.
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Phased residential development comprising (1) Application for full planning permission for the demolition of existing garage, part demolition of the existing dwelling, and creation of a new access to serve the existing dwelling along with landscaping and parking and (2) Application for full planning permission for Erection of a detached 4-bedroom self-build dwelling with associated access, amenity space, landscaping and parking.
Decision Date: 9th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Interesting Developments LtdSite Address: East Went , Chartway Street, Sutton Valence, Maidstone, ME17 3JA, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Decision Date: 9th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mrs Patricia TarrySite Address: Neverend Farm, Pye Corner, Ulcombe, MAIDSTONE, Kent, ME17 1EF, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Decision Date: 5th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr & Mrs Jack CrossleySite Address: Coldharbour House, Coldharbour Lane, Hucking, Kent, ME14 3LS, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Demolition of existing industrial building, garage and storage shed, and erection of 3no. detached dwellings with associated parking and communal amenity area with undercroft storage.
Decision Date: 4th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Roger PhippsSite Address: Land Adjacent 11A Beaconsfield Road, Tovil, MAIDSTONE, Kent, ME15 6RU, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
The conversion of garage into 1no. dwelling, including erection of a part two storey, part three storey side extension.
Decision Date: 3rd December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr David SaynerSite Address: Crabtree Oast House, Cradducks Lane, Staplehurst, Kent, TN12 0DR, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Alleged in the notice is: Without planning permission, the material change of use of land to residential for a Gypsy and Traveller family including the stationing of caravans and associated operational works including the laying of hardsurfacing, creation of an entrance by removal of 'Important' Hedgerow and erection of entrance gates and the installation of a septic tank.
Decision Date: 29th November 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Ms Nicole Whitney CharlotteSite Address: Hawthorn Lodge, Chart Hill Road, Chart Sutton, Kent, ME17 3EX, Procedure: HearingCase Type: Enforcement NoticeOutcome: Planning permission granted
Re-use of an existing former stable building as a holidaylet, with associated external alterations, biodiversity enhancements and parking provision.
Decision Date: 29th November 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mrs Janet WoodrowSite Address: Woodfield, White Hill Road, Detling, Kent, ME14 3HH, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Change of use from agricultural barn to an equestrian mental health and wellbeing therapeutic programme centre with construction of first floor and creation of associated ancillary bedroom accommodation and services.
Decision Date: 26th November 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr and Mrs B GeachSite Address: High Lees Farmhouse , Wagon Lane, Paddock Wood, Kent, TN12 6PT, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Retrospective permission for boundary fence and gate.
Decision Date: 26th November 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Paul RussellSite Address: Glebe Croft, Marley Road, Harrietsham, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 1BS, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
For the erection of 2no. chalet bungalows, a two-bay car barn, bin store and cycle racks, with associated access, parking, garden land and biodiversity area.
Decision Date: 22nd November 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Walbax LtdSite Address: 169 Loose Road, MAIDSTONE, Kent, ME15 7DP, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
A change of use of former telephone exchange (Sui Generis) to an office (Class E(g)), including erection of a single storey side extension (resubmission of 22/505768/FULL).
Decision Date: 20th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mrs Anna Al-ShawiSite Address: Former Telephone Exchange, Ashford Road, Hollingbourne, Kent, ME17 1PF, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
‘outline application with some matters reserved (access only sought) for the removal of 2 former agricultural sheds and erection of up to 117no. dwellings and associated infrastructure including partial footways on Albion Road.
Decision Date: 20th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: B.Yond Homes LtdSite Address: Land East of Albion Road and North of Copper Lane, Marden, TONBRIDGE, Kent , TN12 9EG, Procedure: InquiryCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Erection of 2 no. 3 bedroom dwellings with integral garages, associated access, hard and soft landscaping, demolition of brick constructed wall.
Decision Date: 19th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: O'Shea Operations LtdSite Address: Land rear of 9 Terrace Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME16 8JA, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
For the demolition of a garage and the erection of a detached dwelling including associated and alterations to existing parking and landscaping.
Decision Date: 18th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr S SimmonsSite Address: 41 Boughton Lane, MAIDSTONE, ME15 9QW, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Prior notification for the change of use of agricultural building to 1no. dwelling with associated operational development.
Decision Date: 18th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Mark SchneidauSite Address: 2 The Lambing Shed , Blue House Farm, Battle Lane, Marden, Kent, TN12 9AN, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
The erection of a self-build chalet style dwelling with car parking, vehicle turning and alterations to existing access.
Decision Date: 17th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr & Mrs G BernardSite Address: Salts Farm House, 51 Linton Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME15 0AH, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Change of use of land to 4(No) plots for Gypsy and Traveller Use, including siting of 8(No)static Mobile homes and the erection of 4(no) brick built day rooms, with associated access track and parking.
Decision Date: 12th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr William LeeSite Address: Five Oak Stables, Stilebridge Lane, Linton, Kent, ME17 4DE, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
The removal of existing polytunnels on land north of Kenward Road and the erection of up to 112no. dwellings (Class C3), associated infrastructure and landscaping, together with the change of use of land south of Kenward Road to provide informal/recreational open space, sustainable urban drainage features, landscaping, and ancillary works/infrastructure.
Decision Date: 11th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Hallam Land Management LtdSite Address: Land North & South of Kenward Road, Yalding, ME18 6JP, Procedure: InquiryCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
The change of use of land to residential garden and extension of existing drive (retrospective).
Decision Date: 10th December 2024App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Jamie HallSite Address: 132 Sandling Lane, Penenden Heath, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 2EG, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed