Below are listed the 14 appeals decided in the Luton Borough Council area in the past 30 days.
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The erection of an additional floor and a two storey side extension with parking provision to facilitate a conversion and change of use of existing building to Class E(G) (III) industrial processes and convenience shop Class E (A) display or retail sale goods.
Decision Date: 7th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr M HussainSite Address: Kenneth Road Museum Store, Kenneth Road, LUTON, LU2 0LE, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
The erection of a second floor extension to create a one bed flat with balcony, wall and piers.
Decision Date: 7th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr M AyubSite Address: 83 Windsor Walk, LUTON, LU1 5DR, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Erection of a two storey building with undercroft access, parking, cycle and bin storage, to create 2 x 2 storey, 2 bedroom maisonettes.
Decision Date: 7th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Sohail NawazSite Address: Rear of 35-37 Wellington Street, LUTON, LU1 2QH, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Conversion and change of use of garage/workshop to Class E(g)(iii) industrial processes and alterations to fenestration after demolition of front garage.
Decision Date: 7th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr M HussainSite Address: 1A Atherstone Road, LUTON, LU4 8QU, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
The erection of a rear dormer and two front rooflights to facilitate a loft conversion and alterations to fenestration.
Decision Date: 6th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Nassar KhanSite Address: 53 Dewsbury Road, Luton, LU3 2HH, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
The conversion and change of use of a mixed use dwelling house and shop to four flats (4 two bed and 1 one bed), roof alterations and rear dormer with associated internal works and landscaping.
Decision Date: 6th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr . AbidSite Address: 67 Grange Avenue, LUTON, LU4 9AS, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
The erection of a 1½ storey 2-bedroom detached dwelling.
Decision Date: 6th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Paul ChildsSite Address: Land r/o 229 Turners Road North, Luton, LU2 9AH, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Erection of a single storey rear extension after demolition of existing small rear storeroom and alterations to fenestration and render finish”.
Decision Date: 3rd March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Umair RathoreSite Address: 17 Malvern Road, Luton, Beds, LU1 1LG, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
Demolition of existing single-storey light industrial units and construction of new light industrial units with internal mezzanine levels with associated car parking.
Decision Date: 28th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: GI Property Management LimitedSite Address: 324 Hitchin Road, LUTON, LU2 7SR, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Change of use to vehicle storage and vehicle crossover.
Decision Date: 25th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr S IjazSite Address: Land adjacent to 1 Skimpot Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 0HR, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Material change of use of land as a residential caravan site for 4 gypsy families, each with 2 caravans, including no more than one static caravan.
Decision Date: 21st February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Ned DohertySite Address: Hillside Caravan Park, 93 Bramingham Road, LUTON, Beds, LU3 2SL, Procedure: HearingCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Change of use of outbuilding to office.
Decision Date: 18th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: HW CARE UKSite Address: 58 Chatsworth Road, LUTON, LU4 8AS, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
The change of use of grass verge to hardstanding and a vehicle crossover.
Decision Date: 18th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Michael SnoxellSite Address: 191 Wheatfield Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU4 0TU, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Allowed
The erection of 8 no. detached houses & all ancillary works.
Decision Date: 18th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: J C Gill Developments LtdSite Address: Land off Weybourne Drive, Luton, Beds, LU2 7HB, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed