Below are listed the 9 appeals decided in the North Northamptonshire Council area in the past 30 days.
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A single storey storage building.
Decision Date: 7th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr David Bletsoe - BrownSite Address: 79 Ecton Lane, Sywell, NORTHAMPTON, NN6 0BA, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Originally described as “Outline application for residential development for up to 27no. dwellings, with all matters reserved except access” Decision 1. The appeal is dismissed.
Decision Date: 5th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation TrustSite Address: Land at Former Rushden Hospital Site, Catlin Way, Rushden, NN10 9FN, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Demolition of existing rear conservatory and construction of rear two storey residential accommodation extension, with attached rear single storey garage/outhouse extension.
Decision Date: 28th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr and Mrs J - A TiteSite Address: 14 Matlock Way, Desborough, Kettering, Northamptonshire, NN14 2UR, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
Replacement of 5 windows rotten wood single glazed units with place grey heritage casement UPVc windows.
Decision Date: 28th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: CATHIE ANN SHUTTLEWORTHSite Address: 20 Bridge Street, Brigstock, Kettering , NN14 3ET, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Allowed
A farm dwelling, vehicular access and associated external works.
Decision Date: 25th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Stuart Howes & SonSite Address: Eckland Lodge Farm (land south of farm buildings), Desborough Road, Braybrooke, LE16 8HB, Procedure: HearingCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Relocate and rebuild garage’.
Decision Date: 21st February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Bobby BraichSite Address: 242A Barton Road, Barton Seagrave, KETTERING, NN15 6RZ, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Allowed
Replacement house and garage roof with dormers.
Decision Date: 20th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Matt WillisSite Address: 32 Raunds Road, Stanwick, Wellingborough, NN9 6PP, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
Change of roof to provide habitable living space, rear and front extensions, alterations and new vehicular access.
Decision Date: 19th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr & Mrs A FischerSite Address: 56 Overstone Road, Sywell, NORTHAMPTON, NN6 0AW, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
Initially described as ‘New build of two houses one a bungalow and one a two storey house’.
Decision Date: 12th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Trevor RenggerSite Address: Land next to 92 headlands , Kettering , Northamptonshire , NN15 6DQ, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed