Below are listed the 15 appeals decided in the Tandridge District Council area in the past 30 days.
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Conversion of existing outbuilding to a self-contained dwelling Decision 1. The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted for conversion of existing outbuilding to a self-contained dwelling at Land Adjacent to Oakhurst, Church Lane, Chaldon, Caterham CR3 5AL in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref TA/2024/733, subject to the conditions in the attached schedule.
Decision Date: 5th March 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: JAW DevelopmentsSite Address: Land Adjacent to Oakhurst, Church Lane, Chaldon , CR3 5AL, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Alleged in the notice is Without planning permission, the material change of use of the Land from a mixed use compromising a residential dwelling and agriculture to a mixed use compromising a residential dwelling, agriculture and a motor vehicle dealership.
Decision Date: 27th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Surrey Van Centre LimitedSite Address: Land at Allesley Farm, Farleigh Road, Warlingham, CR6 9PE, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Enforcement NoticeOutcome: Quashed on legal grounds
Demolition of existing garage and conservatory.
Decision Date: 25th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr R Churchill-ColemanSite Address: Iron Pear Tree Cottage , Tilburstow Hill Road, Godstone, Surrey, RH9 8NA, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
New gated access and hardstanding area for sewage tankers to empty treatment tank and also to allow entry of large agricultural machinery to the fields.
Decision Date: 24th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Graham AtkinsSite Address: The Oast house, Pikes Lane, Crowhurst, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6LX, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
A single storey rear extension.
Decision Date: 24th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: S patelSite Address: 3 Meadway, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9RW, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Householder (HAS)Outcome: Dismissed
Demolition of existing side extension to no 229 and construction of 4 new dwellings comprising of 2 x 3 storey 4 bedroom dwellings and 2 x 2 storey 3 bedroom dwellings together with parking spaces, amenity space and bins and bike areas.
Decision Date: 24th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Kevin O'CallaghanSite Address: Rear of 229 and 231 Croydon Road, CATERHAM, CR3 6PG, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
A single storey dwelling with parking, landscaping and refuse/cycle store.
Decision Date: 21st February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Steve AndersonSite Address: Land To The Rear Of 18 Salisbury Road, Godstone, Surrey, RH9 8AB, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Extensions and alterations to form additional bedroom, dining room, bathroom, shower and utility room without complying with a condition attached to planning permission Ref T.
Decision Date: 21st February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr & Mrs T TiwariSite Address: Rustic Cottage Broadbridge Lane, Smallfield, HORLEY, RH6 9RF, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Demolition works and associated alterations to allow the redevelopment of the site to provide five residential units with associated vehicle and cycle parking, refuse and amenity space.
Decision Date: 21st February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr Wellington PropertiesSite Address: 24-26 High Street, Caterham, CR3 5UA, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Demolition of existing three agricultural buildings together with the animal shelter and pig sty; erection of two dwellings together with access, parking and landscaping.
Decision Date: 20th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mr and Mrs H and V Mistry and PatelSite Address: Land east of Woodcock Hill, Felbridge, RH19 2RD, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Infill residential development of 2-3 dwellings.
Decision Date: 19th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Chapel Hill Homes LtdSite Address: Field between 84 and 90 Rook Lane, Chaldon, CR3 5BP, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed
Erection of replacement single storey building.
Decision Date: 18th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: DP Storriers LtdSite Address: Workshop Rear Of High Street , Old Oxted , Surrey, RH8 9LN, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Erection of 2 no. detached, 2 storey, 5-bed dwellinghouses, with associated amenity space, landscaping, bin and cycle stores, and car parking with vehicular access from Detillens Lane.
Decision Date: 14th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: St Marks Properties (XV) LtdSite Address: 6 Detillens Lane, OXTED, RH8 0DJ, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
The construction of one additional dwelling of 4+ beds on the existing plot.
Decision Date: 12th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Mrs Annette SimonSite Address: 13 Roffes Lane, Chaldon, CATERHAM, Surrey, CR3 5PU, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Dismissed
Originally described as: Demolition of two-storey rear extension and erection of new replacement two-storey rear extension to extend 6m from the rear of the original house at ground floor level, and 3m & 4m from the rear of the house at first floor level.
Decision Date: 10th February 2025App Ref: APP/****/*/**/*******Applicant: Joanna BarnettSite Address: Castle Villa, Millers Lane, Outwood, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 5QB, Procedure: Written representationsCase Type: Planning (W)Outcome: Allowed