Most years I dust down my CPD folder and promise, this year, it’ll be better. Ignoring Albert Einstein's definition of insanity as, "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results", I normally settle for tweaking last year’s CPD plan. This never provides the quantum leap I dream of. Then YouTube gave me a brainwave.
I was trying a DIY project in which I have very limited experience (hanging a bifold door, if you must know). Thankfully a YouTube video came to the rescue, showing me how it could be done and giving me ideas about how I could adapt his experience to my own situation. I thought it’s a pity you can’t condense CPD into 5 minute videos on YouTube. Then came an ‘Ah haa!’ moment.
All we need is CPD in 5 minute chunks to accompany a mug of coffee, summarising others’ experience of development proposals, in a suitable professional format recognised by the RTPI as legitimate and saveable for later reference. Of course!
Neat little appeal decision notices. Most are only 3-5 pages long. Most are succinct, giving a quick summary of the pros and cons of a development proposal followed by an expert judgment on the planning balance. Short, snappy and plentiful, just like YouTube videos. There's plenty of choice of appeals so it's relatively easy to find one relevant to your own situation. A gamechanger for my CPD this year.
So here’s my CPD plan this year:
• Use Planning Inspectors as personal trainers (without their knowledge) to improve planning skills;
• Test out some Paper Aeroplanes to see which flies best (also covered in the link above);
• Take 5 minutes a week to learn from others’ mistakes (ditto).
It’s not YouTube, but it’s equally useful, pithy, sometimes amusing, and highly searchable – yes, you guessed it!