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Planning Inspectors past performance on Planning Appeal Decisions

Ever been dismayed to see your planning application allocated to a development management officer with reputation for refusing development?  The sad fact of life is that not all officers are the same.  The question is, does the same apply to planning inspectors?

Does it matter which Inspector decides your appeal?

Of course every Inspector tries hard to be professional and fair. All Inspectors must abide by rules of impartiality. Nevertheless, Inspectors are human too and naturally each has their own personality, perspective and unique experience of life.  Furthermore, the planning system is not a simple matter of applying tick-box assessments and clear rules; subjective judgements are required. Ultimately decision-making is down to the individual. Who the decision maker is does matter.

The Planning Inspectorate's annual statistics for each individual Planning Inspector are reproduced below so you can see the % appeals allowed by your appointed Inspector over 12 months.  Please note this is only a reliable indicator where there are a significant number of appeals. The smaller the number of appeals, the less useful is the data.  For example, if the number of appeals is less than 10 in any one category, the results will reflect the nature of the individual appeals more than the individual inspector.  Casework is allocated on the best balance of availability, geography, casework level and expertise.  This may produce apparent patterns of outcome that is in fact only an artefact of the way work is allocated.  Please bear this in mind when interpreting the % of appeals approved.

It’s worth looking at previous appeal Decisions made by your nominated Inspector on developments similar to your own case, as it may highlight your Inspector’s thinking processes.  For example, one Inspector may have a particular focus on design issues while another may emphasise landscape impact.  It is particularly valuable to look at appeals they have dismissed, before you respond to the LPA’s Statement of Case.

Appeal Finder also has a table showing the % allowed by local planning authority, by type of appeal, available here.

Table 1. Appeals allowed by individual planning inspectors for 2023/2024

* Appeal Planning Officers inform a more senior Inspector's decision. It is the Inspector who is identified as the decision maker in Appeal Finder's pull-down list of Inspectors. This results in different totals compared to PINS table below. In addition, the total number of appeals decided is different to the number of documents on Appeal Finder as some appeals have multiple documents (eg. costs decisions) and others have shared documents (eg. linked appeals).  To find appeals by a specific Appeal Planning Officer, type their name into Appeal Finder's search bar instead of using the pull-down list of Inspectors.

Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
J Allan 0 - 74 47% 0 -
K Allen 84 23% 12 50% 0 -
M Allen 9 56% 1 0% 24 38%
M Andrews 33 48% 48 48% 0 -
M Aqbal 62 37% 12 58% 0 -
S Ashworth 17 41% 6 33% 0 -
R Aston 6 33% 2 0% 0 -
J Ayres 8 38% 0 - 0 -
S Baird 3 33% 0 - 0 -
M Bale 3 33% 1 0% 16 31%
D Barnes 40 33% 38 29% 0 -
R Barrett 3 100% 1 0% 0 -
R Bartlett 71 45% 8 50% 0 -
H Baugh-Jones 3 33% 0 - 0 -
C Baxter 20 10% 0 - 39 44%
G Bayliss 26 19% 8 13% 0 -
C Beeby 12 42% 0 - 0 -
J Bell-Williamson 17 0% 56 20% 0 -
K Bennett 0 - 14 43% 0 -
T Bennett* 14 43% 19 63% 0 -
E Benson 6 17% 49 39% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
A Berry 82 27% 6 17% 0 -
P Biggers 12 25% 13 15% 0 -
C Billings 42 21% 13 31% 0 -
J Blackwell 15 33% 1 0% 34 18%
D Board 12 33% 0 - 0 -
D Boffin 3 67% 0 - 13 38%
V Bond 2 50% 0 - 15 27%
M Boniface 8 75% 0 - 0 -
J Bore 20 30% 0 - 0 -
A Boughton 8 50% 55 53% 0 -
N Bowden 47 28% 15 47% 0 -
J Bowyer 41 29% 10 40% 0 -
J Braithwaite 14 71% 0 - 24 38%
J Bridgwater 5 60% 3 33% 0 -
T Bristow 17 47% 0 - 0 -
N Bromley 47 21% 12 42% 0 -
S Brook 50 32% 1 0% 0 -
M Brooker 15 60% 1 0% 0 -
S Brown 1 100% 0 - 0 -
E Brownless 12 8% 0 - 14 14%
R Buchanan 68 16% 15 20% 0 -
T Burnham 48 25% 25 44% 0 -
R Bust 5 60% 0 - 0 -
C Butcher 71 21% 7 57% 0 -
H Butcher 6 33% 1 100% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
M Caine 22 14% 5 0% 0 -
A Caines 35 37% 40 33% 0 -
V Callister 12 50% 73 40% 0 -
C Carpenter 81 28% 15 27% 0 -
S Castle 66 27% 1 100% 0 -
E Catcheside 52 25% 9 56% 0 -
R Catchpole 4 0% 1 0% 0 -
M Chalk 11 0% 1 0% 0 -
G Chamberlain 22 36% 0 - 0 -
J Cheesley 0 - 9 11% 0 -
K Child 2 100% 0 - 0 -
I Chukwujekwu* 0 - 16 31% 0 -
J Clark 47 30% 4 25% 0 -
L Clark 36 14% 4 50% 0 -
B Clarke 43 19% 11 18% 0 -
D Cleary 4 50% 49 47% 0 -
R Clegg 2 50% 0 - 0 -
M Clowes 51 14% 20 25% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
L Coffey 4 75% 0 - 0 -
S Colebourne 0 - 35 34% 0 -
L Conde 75 33% 6 33% 0 -
A Coombes* 0 - 3 67% 0 -
P Cooper 33 30% 22 23% 0 -
W Cooper 6 33% 3 67% 0 -
C Couper 21 43% 65 34% 0 -
T Courtney* 10 0% 26 27% 0 -
R Cowley 61 13% 24 38% 0 -
C Coyne 10 40% 0 - 0 -
D Cramond 23 30% 50 30% 0 -
C Cresswell 22 50% 5 80% 0 -
L Crosby 14 57% 1 0% 0 -
D Cross 55 25% 15 13% 0 -
M Cryan 53 13% 10 40% 0 -
F Cullen 4 0% 1 0% 16 6%
R Curnow 5 60% 0 - 27 22%
L Cuthbert 48 35% 2 50% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
E Dade 59 37% 21 67% 0 -
A Dale 1 0% 42 50% 0 -
E Davies* 0 - 1 0% 0 -
G Davies 19 21% 0 - 0 -
H Davies 25 32% 0 - 34 44%
N Davies 40 48% 6 50% 0 -
J Davis 2 0% 48 38% 0 -
A Dawe 1 0% 0 - 0 -
S Dean 13 38% 2 50% 0 -
G Deane 14 21% 64 28% 0 -
R Dickson* 10 20% 20 30% 0 -
P Dignan 4 25% 0 - 23 26%
C Dillon 18 28% 5 40% 0 -
L Douglas 13 23% 1 0% 41 15%
K Down 0 - 50 62% 0 -
C Downes 5 100% 0 - 0 -
J Downs 107 15% 6 17% 0 -
J Dowsett 20 15% 9 100% 0 -
G Dring 64 17% 3 33% 0 -
G Dudley 0 - 0 - 26 27%
N Duff 19 42% 10 50% 0 -
I Dyer 27 41% 2 100% 0 -
S Dyer 3 67% 0 - 15 20%
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
R E Jones 25 48% 2 50% 0 -
A Edginton 23 13% 0 - 0 -
J Edwards 53 28% 5 40% 0 -
S Edwards 17 18% 0 - 0 -
P Eggleton 8 13% 61 33% 0 -
D Ellis* 7 14% 20 15% 0 -
G Ellis 1 100% 72 43% 0 -
H Ellison 49 22% 16 19% 0 -
D English 57 25% 10 30% 0 -
James Evans 0 - 22 32% 0 -
Julia Evans 33 9% 6 33% 0 -
L Evans 41 41% 38 39% 0 -
M Evans 0 - 24 46% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
A Fagan 3 0% 0 - 16 13%
R Fallon 29 17% 10 60% 0 -
J Felgate 30 43% 3 33% 0 -
W Fieldhouse 1 100% 0 - 0 -
A Fish 22 23% 6 67% 0 -
D Fleming 3 0% 0 - 23 26%
L Fleming 16 13% 2 0% 0 -
K Ford 35 11% 11 18% 0 -
C Forrett 2 0% 4 50% 0 -
G Fort 9 22% 3 33% 0 -
L Francis 32 19% 10 40% 0 -
M Francis 59 20% 5 20% 0 -
Z Franks 3 33% 0 - 33 15%
P Freer 7 14% 1 100% 26 15%
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
R Gee 73 37% 10 50% 0 -
T Gethin 39 56% 2 50% 0 -
L Gibbons 1 0% 0 - 0 -
J Gilbert 6 0% 0 - 0 -
T Gilbert-Wooldridge 20 45% 3 0% 0 -
C Glaister* 1 0% 13 38% 0 -
S Glassar 67 24% 19 32% 0 -
A Graham 9 11% 34 18% 0 -
J Graham 1 0% 0 - 14 0%
E Gray 6 50% 0 - 30 10%
L Greenwood 16 38% 47 57% 0 -
E Grierson 13 15% 3 33% 0 -
E Griffin 3 33% 0 - 51 14%
P Griffiths 12 67% 0 - 0 -
S Griffiths 2 0% 28 25% 0 -
H Guest 51 25% 20 35% 0 -
J Gunn 35 20% 11 45% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
C Hall 31 32% 53 45% 0 -
R Hall 35 23% 0 - 0 -
S Hand 9 67% 0 - 23 39%
P Hanna 9 56% 0 - 0 -
S Hanson 3 33% 0 - 44 18%
M Harbottle 1 0% 0 - 21 43%
C Harding 51 25% 16 25% 0 -
S Harley 26 12% 1 100% 0 -
S Harrington 71 17% 3 33% 0 -
F Harrison 63 27% 21 29% 0 -
D Hartley 13 23% 8 0% 51 12%
S Hartley 25 40% 39 41% 0 -
A Harwood 5 40% 0 - 30 20%
T Hatfield 3 100% 1 100% 0 -
S Hawkins 10 30% 0 - 60 28%
M Hayden 4 50% 1 100% 0 -
D Hendley 8 50% 4 50% 0 -
H Heward 3 0% 0 - 0 -
S Heywood 2 100% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
A Hickey 56 25% 17 29% 0 -
H Higenbottam 0 - 0 - 5 0%
Z Hill 1 100% 0 - 0 -
J Hills 84 33% 4 50% 0 -
R Hitchcock 23 30% 0 - 22 36%
J Hobbs 82 27% 7 29% 0 -
H Hockenhull 12 50% 0 - 0 -
P Hocking 7 29% 0 - 32 28%
J Hockley 2 50% 0 - 0 -
S Holden 31 26% 1 0% 0 -
S Housden 4 25% 0 - 0 -
M Howell 23 26% 1 0% 32 22%
Lora Hughes 76 26% 14 29% 0 -
Lucy Hughes 42 29% 10 50% 0 -
A Humphries* 2 0% 0 - 0 -
S Hunt 11 45% 0 - 0 -
Adrian Hunter 5 0% 0 - 0 -
Alan Hunter 63 35% 8 50% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
S Indermaur 0 - 3 67% 0 -
C Jack 2 0% 0 - 0 -
P Jackson 17 47% 0 - 0 -
R Jackson 1 0% 0 - 0 -
A James 67 22% 17 47% 0 -
P Jarratt 4 0% 0 - 18 22%
P Jarvis 6 0% 35 54% 0 -
W Johnson 17 65% 1 100% 0 -
J Jolly 31 23% 3 33% 0 -
D Jones 17 24% 3 67% 34 9%
E Jones 0 - 0 - 7 0%
G Jones 7 29% 1 0% 0 -
H Jones 54 28% 14 43% 0 -
K Jones 22 18% 16 19% 0 -
M Jones 19 47% 1 0% 0 -
R Jones 5 40% 54 43% 0 -
R S Jones 8 25% 0 - 30 30%
A Jordan 12 8% 2 0% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
G Kean 2 0% 2 0% 3 33%
T Kemmann-Lane 26 35% 66 48% 0 -
N Kempton 7 43% 11 18% 0 -
A Khan* 0 - 1 0% 0 -
T King 21 48% 0 - 35 34%
R Kirby 6 50% 0 - 0 -
S Kok Lo 38 16% 4 0% 0 -
K Lancaster 72 26% 17 24% 0 -
K Langford-Tejrar 7 43% 17 82% 0 -
T Law 83 35% 3 67% 0 -
E Lawrence 15 20% 32 44% 0 -
R Lawrence 26 35% 13 38% 0 -
S Lee 9 11% 1 100% 0 -
C Leigh 3 33% 32 59% 0 -
S Leonard 26 15% 0 - 0 -
D Lewis 20 0% 0 - 14 50%
P Lewis 4 0% 0 - 0 -
C Livingstone 29 34% 11 36% 0 -
H Lock 9 11% 35 26% 0 -
M Long* 0 - 3 0% 0 -
J Longmuir 8 38% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
M Madge 10 50% 0 - 24 50%
A Mageean 6 17% 0 - 0 -
F Mahoney 4 50% 1 0% 0 -
P Major 4 50% 0 - 0 -
R Major 51 37% 7 43% 0 -
S Manchester 26 12% 7 0% 0 -
N Manley* 0 - 2 0% 0 -
J Manning 3 33% 0 - 0 -
K Mansell 0 - 9 22% 0 -
O Marigold 94 27% 0 - 0 -
P Martinson 36 14% 3 0% 0 -
C Masters 6 50% 0 - 0 -
E Maund 2 50% 0 - 0 -
R McAndrew 2 0% 28 32% 0 -
A McCormack 6 0% 4 0% 0 -
D McCreery 25 32% 0 - 0 -
C McDonagh 20 25% 3 0% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
K McDonald 21 19% 0 - 0 -
A McGlone 13 46% 6 33% 30 7%
N McGurk 32 0% 50 20% 0 -
I McHugh 0 - 47 38% 0 -
L McKay 4 0% 11 18% 0 -
C Megginson 1 0% 2 0% 0 -
R Merrett 4 25% 0 - 18 39%
M Middleton 1 0% 0 - 0 -
P Mileham 9 33% 0 - 0 -
H Miles 39 23% 9 22% 0 -
D Moore 10 30% 1 0% 11 18%
J Moore 53 17% 14 43% 0 -
F Morgan 22 27% 6 17% 0 -
J Morrison 1 100% 0 - 0 -
J Moss 7 14% 0 - 33 33%
E Moulton 80 35% 15 53% 0 -
C Mulloy 13 23% 2 0% 0 -
D Murray 42 26% 10 60% 0 -
J Murray 1 0% 0 - 5 20%
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
R Naylor 73 23% 32 56% 0 -
H Nicholls 45 29% 5 20% 0 -
D Nicholson 7 29% 0 - 0 -
A Nilsson 53 21% 25 32% 0 -
R Norman 10 80% 0 - 0 -
S Normington 17 59% 0 - 0 -
A C Novitzky 2 50% 0 - 0 -
M Nunn 4 25% 0 - 0 -
L Nurser 1 0% 0 - 0 -
L O'Brien 3 0% 0 - 0 -
H O'Connor 50 18% 16 13% 0 -
A O'Doherty 58 31% 10 40% 0 -
M Ollerenshaw 36 19% 23 30% 0 -
E Ord 0 - 0 - 1 0%
H Orr 14 21% 0 - 19 16%
A Owen 26 38% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
L Page 9 22% 6 33% 0 -
G Pannell 26 38% 0 - 0 -
C Parker 14 86% 1 0% 0 -
Robert Parker 16 38% 3 0% 0 -
Rosamund Parker 0 - 1 0% 0 -
A Parkin 26 8% 4 50% 0 -
J Parsons 17 24% 0 - 0 -
A Partington 19 74% 4 25% 0 -
J Pattison 76 34% 17 53% 0 -
J Pearce 39 23% 17 47% 0 -
S Pearce 63 14% 9 22% 0 -
K Peerless 2 50% 0 - 7 71%
L Perkins 3 0% 0 - 24 29%
R Perrins 1 100% 0 - 1 100%
A Phillips 6 33% 0 - 31 23%
B Phillips 63 25% 24 38% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
M Philpott 15 13% 6 67% 0 -
E Pickernell 30 33% 15 20% 0 -
A Pinto 1 0% 0 - 0 -
C Pipe 14 21% 55 42% 0 -
R Pipkin 26 8% 1 0% 0 -
E Pleasant 7 29% 1 0% 23 39%
B Plenty 61 44% 17 41% 0 -
S Poole 8 25% 34 6% 0 -
N Pope 14 36% 0 - 0 -
H Porter 3 0% 0 - 0 -
G Powys Jones 16 44% 56 61% 0 -
N Praine 48 17% 9 33% 0 -
D Prentis 15 47% 1 0% 0 -
C Preston 4 50% 10 30% 12 8%
A Price 76 24% 9 56% 0 -
J Price 8 50% 2 0% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
I Radcliffe 22 45% 1 100% 0 -
C Rafferty 61 20% 17 12% 0 -
F Rafiq 63 37% 8 38% 0 -
E Randle 6 50% 68 37% 0 -
S Rawle 73 23% 10 20% 0 -
Z Raygen 31 45% 1 100% 0 -
R Redford 62 24% 16 44% 0 -
D Reed 34 35% 8 25% 0 -
K Reeves 29 10% 19 26% 0 -
J Reid 33 18% 9 0% 0 -
L Reid 24 17% 14 43% 0 -
L Renaudon 8 38% 1 0% 44 27%
M Rivett 0 - 1 100% 0 -
G Robbie 6 33% 4 50% 32 19%
K Robbie 60 32% 21 52% 0 -
G Roberts 19 37% 58 64% 0 -
M Robins 2 50% 0 - 0 -
N Robinson 50 26% 14 43% 0 -
B Rogers 4 75% 0 - 14 57%
J Rogers 63 22% 14 7% 0 -
G Rollings 7 14% 1 100% 0 -
C Rose 89 28% 5 80% 0 -
D Rose 7 43% 0 - 0 -
P Rose 5 40% 0 - 0 -
J Russell 7 29% 0 - 6 33%
M Russell 53 25% 21 38% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
R Sabu 27 41% 0 - 0 -
J Sargent 37 41% 0 - 0 -
R Satheesan 7 14% 0 - 50 18%
K Savage 53 30% 21 43% 0 -
M Savage 9 22% 0 - 48 23%
K Saward 1 100% 0 - 7 14%
A Scott 23 26% 3 33% 0 -
C Searson 11 55% 0 - 0 -
M Seaton 1 0% 0 - 0 -
M Seddon 8 0% 18 33% 0 -
P Sedgwick 1 0% 54 37% 0 -
H Senior 39 13% 8 25% 0 -
C Shearing 71 18% 16 31% 0 -
T Shields 5 20% 0 - 13 23%
M Shrigley 4 75% 0 - 0 -
R Shrimplin 8 38% 33 48% 0 -
G Sibley 15 53% 15 47% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
L Simpson 37 35% 1 100% 0 -
V Simpson 54 43% 13 46% 0 -
A Smith 37 51% 2 50% 0 -
D Smith 33 33% 0 - 0 -
H Smith 67 33% 0 - 0 -
Jack Smith 29 21% 12 33% 0 -
Jane Smith 66 21% 10 30% 0 -
J Somers 10 20% 38 29% 0 -
A Spataru* 7 14% 4 25% 0 -
D Spencer 7 43% 0 - 0 -
A Spencer-Peet 30 27% 0 - 0 -
P Staddon 0 - 3 33% 0 -
A Steen 1 0% 0 - 3 67%
K Stephens 69 16% 2 50% 0 -
P Storey 69 38% 10 50% 0 -
P Sturgess 4 25% 0 - 0 -
A Sutton 53 25% 3 67% 0 -
G Sylvester 64 23% 17 35% 0 -
J Symmons 27 22% 6 33% 0 -
G Symons 0 - 0 - 2 0%
D Szymanski 40 8% 9 56% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
K Taylor 7 43% 0 - 11 0%
N Teasdale 73 34% 28 50% 0 -
A Terceiro 46 33% 8 38% 0 -
B Thandi 73 36% 1 0% 0 -
G Thomas 8 38% 0 - 0 -
M Thomas 15 33% 23 30% 0 -
N Thomas 5 0% 0 - 22 14%
F Thompson 3 33% 1 0% 25 16%
P Thompson 33 48% 1 0% 0 -
C Tivey 2 0% 43 28% 0 -
K Townend 59 25% 11 9% 0 -
D Troy 10 50% 3 0% 0 -
A Tucker 49 35% 3 67% 0 -
J Tweddle 1 0% 0 - 14 36%
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
G Underwood 12 8% 1 100% 0 -
N Unwin* 3 67% 28 43% 3 0%
A Veevers 52 21% 15 27% 0 -
Alexander Walker 10 0% 0 - 36 19%
Andrew Walker 4 0% 0 - 27 19%
R Walker 26 15% 8 0% 0 -
D Wallis 8 13% 0 - 0 -
K Ward 1 100% 0 - 0 -
S Warder 5 0% 0 - 0 -
P Ware 7 43% 1 100% 0 -
S Watson 78 44% 0 - 0 -
S Watson 2 0% 0 - 14 57%
B Webb 33 27% 0 - 0 -
M Webb* 1 0% 16 44% 0 -
J Westbrook 28 21% 30 40% 0 -
J Whalley 8 50% 32 44% 0 -
A Wharton 1 100% 0 - 20 40%
P Whelan 12 58% 0 - 0 -
P White 6 17% 5 0% 23 4%
J Wilde 10 60% 1 0% 0 -
B Wilders 9 44% 1 0% 0 -
G Wildgoose 3 100% 1 100% 0 -
Inspector/ s78 appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
Appeal Planning Officer* no. decided 2023/24 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24 no. decided 2023/24 % allowed 2023/24
D Wildsmith 4 25% 0 - 0 -
F Wilkinson 87 24% 2 0% 0 -
H Wilkinson 53 32% 13 54% 0 -
S Wilkinson 14 36% 0 - 0 -
K Williams 55 25% 20 30% 0 -
S Willis 14 7% 0 - 15 27%
P Willmer 0 - 56 38% 0 -
P Willows 1 0% 0 - 14 0%
D Wilson 65 23% 10 10% 0 -
L Wilson 67 25% 15 20% 0 -
S Wilson* 1 0% 25 20% 1 0%
K Winnard 0 - 34 29% 0 -
S Wood 12 17% 23 26% 0 -
M Woodward 9 22% 0 - 0 -
O Woodwards 23 39% 2 100% 0 -
J Woolcock 5 60% 0 - 0 -
M Worden 3 100% 0 - 0 -
E Worley 81 40% 13 38% 0 -
E Worthington 18 11% 3 0% 0 -
G Wraight 17 29% 17 35% 15 13%
A Wright 70 20% 20 30% 0 -
Y Wright 3 33% 0 - 0 -
G Wyatt 6 33% 1 0% 0 -
D Wyborn 45 29% 3 33% 0 -

Source: PINS annual statistics for the year, table 5.2

Table 2. Appeals allowed by individual planning inspectors for 2022/2023

* Appeal Planning Officers inform a more senior Inspector's decision. It is the Inspector who is identified as the decision maker in Appeal Finder's pull-down list of Inspectors. This results in different totals compared to PINS table below. In addition, the total number of appeals decided is different to the number of documents on Appeal Finder as some appeals have multiple documents (eg. costs decisions) and others have shared documents (eg. linked appeals).  To find appeals by a specific Appeal Planning Officer, type their name into Appeal Finder's search bar instead of using the pull-down list of Inspectors.

Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer*
s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
J Allan 0 - 74 51% 0 -
K Allen 1 0% 6 17% 0 -
M Allen 36 19% 7 14% 0 -
R Allen 5 20% 0 - 0 -
M Andrews 31 48% 51 45% 0 -
M Aqbal 71 38% 6 17% 0 -
S Ashworth 11 36% 11 27% 0 -
R Aston 6 0% 1 100% 0 -
J Ayres 12 58% 2 50% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
S Baird 7 71% 5 40% 0 -
M Bale 12 42% 1 100% 0 -
D Barnes 20 25% 52 33% 0 -
R Barrett 1 0% 0 - 0 -
R Bartlett 16 56% 26 42% 0 -
H Baugh-Jones 1 100% 0 - 0 -
C Baxter 39 31% 24 42% 0 -
G Bayliss 58 24% 8 50% 0 -
C Beeby 12 33% 3 33% 0 -
J Bell-Williamson 30 27% 39 23% 0 -
K Bennett 0 - 20 25% 0 -
T Bennett* 4 50% 33 42% 0 -
A Berry 72 19% 3 0% 0 -
P Biggers 18 44% 21 33% 0 -
J Blackwell 88 27% 2 0% 0 -
D Board 4 50% 0 - 0 -
D Boffin 2 50% 1 100% 19 47%
V Bond 1 100% 0 - 20 30%
M Boniface 19 32% 3 67% 0 -
J Bore 3 67% 0 - 0 -
A Boughton 9 11% 49 61% 0 -
J Bowyer 75 31% 15 40% 0 -
J Braithwaite 1 100% 0 - 31 23%
J Bridgwater 0 - 1 100% 0 -
T Bristow 17 29% 4 50% 0 -
S Brook 33 21% 9 33% 0 -
M Brooker 25 28% 20 10% 0 -
E Brownless 21 24% 2 50% 7 29%
R Buchanan 58 21% 16 19% 0 -
T Burnham 59 37% 38 42% 0 -
R Bust 2 100% 0 - 0 -
C Butcher 11 45% 2 100% 0 -
H Butcher 7 43% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
M Caine 54 28% 7 0% 0 -
A Caines 31 29% 45 22% 0 -
V Callister 14 29% 56 41% 0 -
C Carpenter 4 75% 1 100% 0 -
S Castle 30 17% 6 33% 0 -
R Catchpole 2 50% 0 - 0 -
M Chalk 76 26% 2 0% 0 -
G Chamberlain 29 52% 0 - 0 -
J Cheesley 0 - 9 0% 0 -
I Chukwujekwu* 2 50% 14 21% 0 -
J Clark 21 10% 31 26% 0 -
P Clark 3 67% 0 - 0 -
B Clarke 61 30% 16 6% 0 -
R Clegg 7 43% 0 - 0 -
D Cliff 10 20% 0 - 0 -
M Clowes 62 11% 12 25% 0 -
L Coffey 4 75% 0 - 0 -
S Colebourne 0 - 48 48% 0 -
L Conde 83 40% 4 50% 0 -
A Coombes* 0 - 11 18% 0 -
P Cooper 52 15% 13 46% 0 -
W Cooper 23 43% 1 100% 0 -
C Couper 10 40% 67 54% 0 -
T Courtney* 6 0% 38 26% 0 -
R Cowley 50 16% 17 29% 0 -
C Coyne 22 32% 10 20% 0 -
D Cragg 18 17% 5 20% 0 -
D Cramond 29 28% 43 30% 0 -
C Cresswell 9 44% 4 75% 0 -
R Cridland 1 0% 0 - 0 -
L Crosby 7 71% 0 - 0 -
D Cross 77 13% 26 15% 0 -
S Crossen 24 42% 4 75% 0 -
M Cryan 59 37% 26 15% 0 -
F Cullen 15 27% 5 40% 9 0%
R Curnow 8 38% 0 - 26 27%
L Cuthbert 53 30% 1 0% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
E Dade 40 40% 11 55% 0 -
A Dale 0 - 46 57% 0 -
G Davies 26 35% 0 - 0 -
E Davies* 3 33% 17 47% 0 -
H Davies 89 31% 3 33% 0 -
Nicholas Davies 44 27% 1 100% 0 -
Nicola Davies 41 37% 5 0% 0 -
J Davis 2 0% 51 49% 0 -
A Dawe 6 50% 0 - 0 -
S Dean 30 40% 5 40% 0 -
G Deane 6 0% 63 29% 0 -
R Dickson* 0 - 30 30% 0 -
P Dignan 4 50% 0 - 11 73%
C Dillon 20 25% 5 40% 0 -
L Douglas 45 31% 18 56% 13 23%
J Dowling 6 0% 1 0% 0 -
K Down 0 - 34 50% 0 -
C Downes 9 33% 0 - 0 -
J Downs 59 25% 20 55% 0 -
J Dowsett 19 53% 5 20% 0 -
G Dring 15 33% 10 30% 0 -
G Dudley 1 100% 0 - 9 11%
N Duff 0 - 4 50% 0 -
I Dyer 19 16% 10 10% 0 -
S Dyer 10 30% 0 - 25 8%
Inspector/ Decision Maker s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
A Edgington 17 18% 0 - 0 -
J Edwards 78 41% 7 0% 0 -
S Edwards 59 24% 1 0% 0 -
P Eggleton 4 0% 20 20% 0 -
D Ellis* 7 57% 38 34% 0 -
G Ellis 9 33% 54 30% 0 -
H Ellison 70 24% 6 50% 0 -
D English 20 35% 19 26% 0 -
James Evans 0 - 11 64% 0 -
Julia Evans 25 8% 6 17% 0 -
L Evans 29 45% 47 47% 0 -
M Evans 0 - 17 41% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
A Fagan 3 100% 0 - 6 50%
R Fallon 26 31% 1 100% 0 -
J Felgate 9 78% 9 56% 0 -
A Fish 37 38% 3 33% 0 -
D Fitzsimon 0 - 21 38% 0 -
D Fleming 2 100% 0 - 21 38%
L Fleming 18 17% 6 17% 0 -
K Ford 16 13% 22 5% 0 -
C Forrett 4 0% 13 38% 0 -
G Fort 6 67% 2 100% 0 -
M Francis 29 17% 25 16% 0 -
Z Franks 2 0% 0 - 34 26%
P Freer 3 33% 0 - 29 14%
Inspector/ Decision Maker s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
R Gee 0 - 4 75% 0 -
T Gethin 9 44% 2 0% 0 -
J Gilbert 19 32% 0 - 0 -
T Gilbert-Wooldridge 21 52% 1 0% 0 -
C Glaister* 0 - 28 39% 0 -
S Glassar 73 12% 23 26% 0 -
G Gould 7 29% 0 - 0 -
A Graham 9 33% 37 22% 0 -
J Graham 1 0% 0 - 9 22%
E Gray 14 21% 0 - 48 6%
L Greenwood 14 36% 31 45% 0 -
E Grierson* 65 25% 10 20% 0 -
E Griffin 3 0% 1 0% 42 17%
P Griffiths 3 0% 1 0% 0 -
S Griffiths 6 33% 22 55% 0 -
H Guest 41 24% 13 54% 0 -
J Gunn 50 26% 7 71% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
C Hall 8 25% 71 38% 0 -
R Hall 48 35% 4 50% 0 -
S Hand 2 0% 0 - 38 26%
P Hanna 8 38% 0 - 0 -
S Hanson 2 0% 2 50% 42 17%
M Harbottle 0 - 0 - 24 29%
C Harding 54 15% 5 40% 0 -
S Harley 18 33% 2 50% 0 -
S Harrington 51 45% 6 0% 0 -
F Harrison 46 17% 19 26% 0 -
N Harrison 4 75% 7 86% 0 -
D Hartley 16 50% 20 15% 16 13%
S Hartley 16 31% 42 55% 0 -
A Harwood 0 - 0 - 23 43%
T Hatfield 19 32% 4 25% 0 -
S Hawkins 5 0% 0 - 57 30%
M Hayden 0 - 2 0% 0 -
D Hendley 20 45% 4 25% 0 -
H Heward 2 50% 0 - 0 -
S Heywood 1 100% 0 - 0 -
A Hickey 47 19% 12 17% 0 -
H Higenbottam 0 - 0 - 8 50%
J Hills 17 18% 6 33% 0 -
R Hitchcock 84 38% 7 14% 0 -
J Hobbs 13 15% 9 44% 0 -
H Hockenhull 14 64% 3 33% 0 -
P Hocking 0 - 0 - 27 7%
J Hockley 3 0% 1 100% 0 -
S Holden 10 40% 0 - 0 -
S Housden 2 50% 0 - 0 -
M Howell 74 35% 3 0% 0 -
L Hughes 28 25% 16 38% 0 -
C Humphrey 0 - 1 100% 0 -
A Humphries* 0 - 21 43% 0 -
S Hunt 8 50% 4 50% 0 -
Adrian Hunter 12 25% 5 0% 0 -
Alan Hunter 8 38% 10 40% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
S Indermaur 0 - 33 21% 0 -
C Jack 3 33% 0 - 0 -
P Jackson 11 64% 0 - 0 -
R Jackson 13 54% 3 67% 0 -
A James 3 67% 5 20% 0 -
P Jarratt 2 0% 0 - 17 18%
P Jarvis 4 25% 24 33% 0 -
I Jenkins 2 50% 3 67% 0 -
W Johnson 17 47% 2 100% 0 -
J Jolly 25 32% 2 0% 0 -
D Jones 76 28% 3 100% 0 -
E Jones 3 0% 0 - 3 33%
Gareth Jones 5 40% 0 - 0 -
G Powys Jones 6 33% 56 63% 0 -
H Jones 55 20% 17 41% 0 -
M Jones 55 27% 1 0% 0 -
Rachel Jones 13 62% 41 39% 0 -
Richard E Jones 65 34% 8 0% 0 -
Richard S Jones 0 - 0 - 21 33%
A Jordan 10 20% 1 100% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
G Kean 2 100% 0 - 7 57%
T Kemmann-Lane 54 41% 17 35% 0 -
T King 9 56% 0 - 23 57%
R Kirby 7 14% 0 - 0 -
K Lancaster 6 17% 2 0% 0 -
K Langford-Tejrar 4 0% 32 38% 0 -
T Law 79 27% 2 50% 0 -
E Lawrence 9 33% 33 33% 0 -
C Leigh 3 67% 24 42% 0 -
S Leonard 47 15% 2 100% 0 -
D Lewis 10 70% 0 - 62 85%
P Lewis 1 0% 0 - 0 -
S Lo 10 10% 8 38% 0 -
H Lock 2 50% 51 27% 0 -
M Long* 0 - 27 33% 0 -
J Longmuir 12 75% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
R MacLeod 29 34% 0 - 0 -
M Madge 3 67% 0 - 33 27%
A Mageean 4 50% 2 50% 0 -
F Mahoney 1 0% 0 - 0 -
P Major 11 36% 0 - 0 -
S Manchester 38 18% 29 34% 0 -
J Manning 8 13% 6 33% 0 -
O Marigold 84 19% 6 33% 0 -
P Martinson 88 18% 7 14% 0 -
C Masters 3 33% 0 - 0 -
E Maund 10 30% 0 - 0 -
R McCoy 11 27% 0 - 0 -
D McCreery 19 32% 1 0% 0 -
C McDonagh 66 21% 5 60% 0 -
K McDonald 8 75% 0 - 0 -
A McGlone 26 54% 13 46% 15 27%
N McGurk 0 - 53 15% 0 -
I McHugh 0 - 33 42% 0 -
L McKay 2 50% 1 100% 0 -
C Megginson 58 19% 15 13% 0 -
R Merrett 4 75% 0 - 37 41%
P Mileham 19 21% 2 0% 0 -
H Miles 55 27% 19 32% 0 -
M Milliken 6 33% 0 - 0 -
D Moore 1 0% 0 - 22 14%
J Moore 8 0% 15 13% 0 -
F Morgan 48 27% 2 50% 0 -
J Morrison 25 24% 9 44% 0 -
J Moss 4 0% 0 - 30 27%
E Moulton 57 40% 9 67% 0 -
C Mulloy 7 14% 3 0% 0 -
D Murray 24 29% 7 14% 0 -
J Murray 2 50% 0 - 7 14%
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
R Naylor 51 25% 27 37% 0 -
H Nicholls 59 32% 3 0% 0 -
D Nicholson 4 25% 0 - 0 -
A Nilsson 73 15% 24 46% 0 -
R Norman 9 56% 0 - 0 -
S Normington 6 50% 1 0% 0 -
M Nunn 4 100% 0 - 0 -
L Nurser 2 50% 6 33% 0 -
Inspector/ Decision Maker s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
L O'Brien 24 33% 6 50% 0 -
H O'Connor 25 24% 12 42% 0 -
A O'Doherty 61 13% 5 0% 0 -
M Ollerenshaw 72 21% 20 25% 0 -
E Ord 1 0% 0 - 2 50%
H Orr 4 25% 0 - 6 50%
A Owen 22 32% 1 100% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
L Page 44 18% 18 6% 0 -
N Palmer 11 55% 0 - 0 -
G Pannell 51 22% 1 100% 0 -
C Parker 28 61% 6 0% 0 -
R Parker 55 27% 5 60% 0 -
A Parkin 45 13% 8 0% 0 -
J Parsons 35 17% 3 33% 0 -
A Partington 14 43% 2 0% 0 -
J Pattison 35 26% 7 43% 0 -
S Pearce 1 0% 5 0% 0 -
K Peerless 1 0% 0 - 9 22%
L Perkins 5 80% 0 - 19 21%
R Perrins 0 - 0 - 9 78%
A Phillips 3 0% 0 - 33 24%
B Phillips 47 21% 10 10% 0 -
M Philpott 21 38% 8 50% 0 -
E Pickernell 0 - 2 50% 0 -
A Pinto 2 0% 8 25% 0 -
C Pipe 8 13% 49 31% 0 -
R Pipkin 36 25% 5 20% 0 -
E Pleasant 4 25% 0 - 32 34%
B Plenty 67 39% 12 42% 0 -
S Poole 8 25% 50 12% 0 -
N Pope 8 13% 2 50% 0 -
H Porter 2 50% 1 0% 0 -
J Powis 2 0% 0 - 0 -
S Prail 1 0% 0 - 8 0%
N Praine 59 27% 14 21% 0 -
D Prentis 10 60% 3 67% 0 -
C Preston 2 0% 7 43% 16 19%
A Price 100 23% 11 9% 0 -
J Price 23 39% 0 - 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
I Radcliffe 28 46% 2 100% 0 -
C Rafferty 105 31% 9 56% 0 -
F Rafiq 62 31% 6 0% 0 -
E Randle 3 0% 63 44% 0 -
S Rawle 1 0% 3 33% 0 -
Z Raygen 27 48% 0 - 0 -
R Redford 76 24% 25 40% 0 -
D Reed 29 38% 10 30% 0 -
J Reid 36 22% 6 0% 0 -
L Renaudon 6 33% 0 - 23 43%
S Rennie 60 33% 5 40% 0 -
M Rivett 2 50% 1 100% 0 -
G Robbie 27 22% 7 57% 13 31%
K Robbie 73 26% 9 44% 0 -
G Roberts 13 23% 49 45% 0 -
M Robins 4 100% 0 - 0 -
N Robinson 46 24% 14 43% 0 -
B Rogers 0 - 0 - 28 29%
J Rogers 47 17% 7 43% 0 -
G Rollings 9 22% 1 0% 0 -
C Rose 30 23% 7 57% 0 -
D Rose 6 50% 3 67% 0 -
P Rose 6 33% 0 - 0 -
J Russell 1 0% 0 - 20 35%
M Russell 57 18% 19 16% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
R Sabu 44 27% 5 20% 0 -
J Sargent 25 24% 10 20% 0 -
R Satheesan 5 20% 0 - 52 19%
K Savage 71 30% 24 46% 0 -
M Savage 4 0% 3 67% 58 7%
K Saward 0 - 0 - 34 0%
A Scott 36 3% 16 13% 0 -
M Scriven 1 0% 1 0% 0 -
C Searson 6 50% 0 - 0 -
M Seaton 2 50% 0 - 0 -
M Seddon 0 - 39 23% 0 -
P Sedgwick 4 25% 35 34% 0 -
H Senior*
4 50% 44 34% 0 -
C Shearing 82 33% 13 54% 0 -
C Sherratt 2 0% 0 - 5 20%
T Shields 1 100% 0 - 35 23%
M Shrigley 7 14% 2 50% 0 -
R Shrimplin 38 29% 24 54% 0 -
G Sibley* 2 50% 33 30% 0 -
L Simpson 63 25% 18 39% 0 -
V Simpson 43 33% 8 25% 0 -
B Sims 10 60% 0 - 0 -
A Smith 39 31% 4 50% 0 -
D Smith 56 41% 7 71% 0 -
H Smith 76 26% 7 0% 0 -
J Smith 40 38% 7 29% 0 -
J Somers 12 17% 53 32% 0 -
A Spataru* 1 0% 12 17% 0 -
D Spencer 23 17% 0 - 0 -
A Spencer-Peet 53 25% 0 - 0 -
P Staddon 12 33% 0 - 0 -
A Steen 10 20% 0 - 27 22%
H Stephens 1 100% 0 - 0 -
K Stephens 63 25% 5 0% 0 -
K Stone 1 100% 0 - 0 -
P Storey 20 25% 5 40% 0 -
P Sturgess 10 30% 0 - 0 -
A Sutton 41 12% 10 30% 0 -
G Sylvester 22 14% 8 63% 0 -
E Symmons 2 0% 0 - 0 -
J Symmons 55 29% 9 22% 0 -
G Symons 0 - 0 - 5 60%
D Szymanski 33 12% 6 33% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
Karen Taylor 19 11% 3 33% 9 22%
Kenneth Taylor 1 0% 0 - 0 -
N Teasdale 26 23% 8 63% 0 -
B Thandi 69 43% 3 33% 0 -
G Thomas 7 43% 1 100% 0 -
M Thomas 15 40% 41 44% 0 -
N Thomas 0 - 0 - 4 25%
R Thomas 0 - 28 32% 0 -
F Thompson 4 75% 0 - 36 25%
P Thompson 60 32% 3 33% 0 -
C Tivey 4 0% 22 32% 0 -
K Townend 15 7% 7 43% 0 -
D Troy 13 23% 28 21% 0 -
A Tucker 57 25% 7 43% 0 -
J Tweddle 15 7% 4 25% 6 17%
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
G Underwood 8 50% 1 100% 0 -
N Unwin* 0 - 34 47% 0 -
A Veevers 49 45% 6 0% 0 -
J Vyse 4 50% 0 - 0 -
Alexander Walker 0 - 0 - 8 25%
Andrew Walker 0 - 0 - 23 26%
R Walker 38 18% 32 34% 0 -
D Wallis 8 38% 0 - 0 -
R Walmsley 5 60% 0 - 0 -
S Warder 2 50% 0 - 0 -
P Ware 6 67% 0 - 0 -
Samuel Watson 78 32% 2 100% 0 -
Siobhan Watson 15 27% 3 33% 14 29%
B Webb 55 40% 1 0% 0 -
M Webb* 0 - 13 38% 0 -
J Wellstead 12 0% 6 0% 0 -
J Westbrook 9 0% 33 39% 0 -
J Whalley 0 - 13 46% 19 16%
A Wharton 0 - 0 - 18 6%
P Whelan 19 42% 0 - 0 -
J White 19 21% 17 47% 0 -
P White 69 23% 4 50% 0 -
M Whitehead 2 100% 0 - 0 -
J Wilde 5 40% 1 0% 0 -
B Wilders 1 0% 0 - 0 -
G Wildgoose 1 0% 7 43% 0 -
D Wildsmith 4 25% 0 - 0 -
F Wilkinson 88 28% 4 50% 0 -
H Wilkinson 27 26% 7 43% 0 -
S Wilkinson 26 31% 1 0% 0 -
K Williams 27 22% 12 42% 0 -
J Williamson 31 16% 5 20% 0 -
Inspector/ Appeal Planning Officer* s78 planning appeals Householder appeals Enforcement appeals
no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23 no. decided 2022/23 % allowed 2022/23
S Willis 28 39% 0 - 0 -
P Willmer 0 - 46 35% 0 -
P Willows 1 0% 0 - 18 39%
D Wilson 17 6% 4 25% 0 -
J Wilson 5 0% 1 0% 0 -
L Wilson 61 25% 15 67% 0 -
S Wilson* 4 0% 26 27% 0 -
K Winnard 0 - 25 44% 0 -
S Witherley* 15 60% 18 17% 0 -
S Wood 20 30% 19 26% 0 -
M Woodward 20 30% 1 0% 0 -
O Woodwards 24 50% 1 0% 0 -
J Woolcock 4 25% 0 - 0 -
M Worden 3 33% 0 - 0 -
E Worley 54 43% 13 38% 0 -
E Worthington 12 17% 5 0% 0 -
G Wraight 13 31% 10 30% 9 22%
A Wright 0 - 10 40% 0 -
Y Wright 2 0% 0 - 0 -
G Wyatt 18 22% 3 33% 0 -
D Wyborn 36 39% 0 - 0 -
D Young 22 73% 0 - 0 -

* Appeal Planning Officers inform a more senior Inspector's decision. Please note Appeal Finder records the Inspector as the decision maker, whereas the PINS table above records members of staff. This results in inconsistencies between the figures on the above PINS table and if you select by Inspector on Appeal Finder.

Source: PINS annual statistics for the year, table 5.2; Please see the important notes at the end of table when interpreting the data.

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