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  State Decisions Only

Planning Appeal Search for England

Appeal Finder helps you easily find relevant planning appeals, saving you time with its powerful keyword search of all planning appeal Decisions issued by the Planning Inspectorate for England  since 2010.

Map view enables you to locate appeals geographically and to spot appeals you didn’t know existed.  Filter appeals by keyword, LPA, inspector, date, outcome, appeal type, etc.  Unlike the competition, it doesn’t search only abstracts of selected appeals but instead searches every Decision Notice, giving you total freedom to define your own keywords.

Your appeal success rate will benefit from finding out how your appointed Inspector has written up comparable cases and how Inspectors have applied policies in similar appeals.  

We are very competitively priced with a simple fixed monthly or annual fee and unlimited document downloads.  With no minimum contract you can start and stop payments as and when your work-flow requires our service.  It's simple to use, quick and effective, so why not get a free month's trial today?

Appeal Decisions Online

Planning Appeal Search

Easy Cost Effective Access

  • Unlimited downloads of appeal Decision Notices
  • Simple Fixed Monthly or Annual subscription
  • Helpful information on our Blogs and Resources pages


A fast and straight forward approach to finding the documents we need. Much better than the competition.
Stuart Thomas
Partner & Planning Consultant
We've found Appeal Finder really easy to use and a valuable tool for our business. 
Andy Sheldon
Shropshire Homes

Appeal Finder is splendid. It is an incredibly easy to use and extremely effective search engine. In just a few weeks I've saved hours of research time thanks to this service.
Thea Osmund-Smith
No5 Chambers

Innovation in Business PropTech Awards 2024

Best Planning Appeals Provider 2024 - England

 We're pleased to receive an Innovation in Business PropTech Award for "Best Planning Appeals Provider 2024".



Best Planning Data Provider

We're delighted to receive the Build Magazine's Award for "Best Architecture Planning Data Provider".

trial.pngFree Trial

Why not test out our service free for a month and find out for yourself how useful it can be.  Just drop us a few details on our contact us form and we'll set things up.


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